Thursday, August 4, 2011
Quibids scam
Quibids is a scam company that is deceitful and lying! They claim that it is free to join, but then they charge your credit card $60 (which IS NOT FREE). Then when you purchase bids they either give you voucher or real bids, but they don't tell you which ones you can use. That means if you lose an auction (which you probably will) you'll end up losing another $30 and you won't even be able to get a discount buying the product.
I was bidding on an iPad from the start and was in a bidding war (maybe it was against a bot, or an employee, or maybe it was a real person, I don't know), and everything was fine until right at the very end I was outbidded and then the timer automatically went from 5 seconds to 0 seconds. I had spend $180 bidding and quibids ended the auction without even giving me a chance to bid higher. After losing the auction for an iPad they offered a Buy It Now option to pay $500 for an iPad. Since I already lost $180 in that auction (yes, you can lose $100s of dollars even if you aren't the winner of the auction) I decided to buy it; only to find out that it was the iPad 1, which isn't even worth $350! They charge nearly double the cost of products on their site and then try to pretend that you are getting a good deal!
So in the end I spent $500 plus the bogus $60 entry fee (when they said that it was free to join!) for a product worth $350. That means using their suppossedly risk-free auctions I've lost over $200. The people at Quibids are lying and deceitful and the site IS NOT AN AUCTION SITE, IT IS A GAMBLING SITE WHICH SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED AND QUIBIDS LIES WHEN THEY SAY THAT THEY ARE AN AUCTION SITE! And even worse they are a gambling site that locks you out from winning right after you've spent a lot of money bidding. Just remember when something is looks too good to be true it probably is!
I was bidding on an iPad from the start and was in a bidding war (maybe it was against a bot, or an employee, or maybe it was a real person, I don't know), and everything was fine until right at the very end I was outbidded and then the timer automatically went from 5 seconds to 0 seconds. I had spend $180 bidding and quibids ended the auction without even giving me a chance to bid higher. After losing the auction for an iPad they offered a Buy It Now option to pay $500 for an iPad. Since I already lost $180 in that auction (yes, you can lose $100s of dollars even if you aren't the winner of the auction) I decided to buy it; only to find out that it was the iPad 1, which isn't even worth $350! They charge nearly double the cost of products on their site and then try to pretend that you are getting a good deal!
So in the end I spent $500 plus the bogus $60 entry fee (when they said that it was free to join!) for a product worth $350. That means using their suppossedly risk-free auctions I've lost over $200. The people at Quibids are lying and deceitful and the site IS NOT AN AUCTION SITE, IT IS A GAMBLING SITE WHICH SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED AND QUIBIDS LIES WHEN THEY SAY THAT THEY ARE AN AUCTION SITE! And even worse they are a gambling site that locks you out from winning right after you've spent a lot of money bidding. Just remember when something is looks too good to be true it probably is!
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Labels: quibids qui bids scam scammer exploit fake cheat cheater bid
Posted @ 2:24 AM | PermaLink |
